Forlænget åbent køb indtil 8. januar

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Gratis bytte

Frøya W Black


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Forlænget åbent køb indtil 8. januar
Forlænget åbent køb indtil 8. januar
Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*
Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*
Gratis bytte
Gratis bytte

Sports bra with protective and supportive shape

Kari Traa Frøya is a comfortable support bra with wool lining that’s perfect for various outdoor activities! Wool lining on the front turns up the snug factor. Removable lining in the cups is great for extra support and shape, while the wide chest elastic take care of support. After all, your chest is usually one of the first places to start sweating, and believe us when we say that having wool against your skin to absorb without making you cold on freezing days is nothing short of magic. The bra also features a racerback with adjustable shoulder straps and soft stretchy fabric. Your new favourite bra for any outdoor adventure!

Black Weeks - op til 60 % rabat.

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Forlænget åbent køb indtil 8. januar

Forlænget åbent køb indtil 8. januar

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Gratis bytte

Gratis bytte