Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Gratis bytte

Extreme Pro Bibshort M Black

1 049 kr


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Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar
Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar
Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*
Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*
Gratis bytte
Gratis bytte

High-quality cycling trousers

Extreme Pro Bibshort are cycling trousers with a panel design that have variable compression. Elastic braces made of perforated microfibre. The back and lower back are made of Fresh Feel Mesh, a material with a 3D structure that is elastic and has extremely good breathability. Revolutional™ Energy technically woven material on the thighs with compression properties that ensures excellent muscle compression and helps to reduce lactic acid production. Power Check® fabric in the luminous shoes with its distinctive structure and orthogonal design that provide greater resistance to wear and reduce the risk of the fabric rubbing.

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Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar

Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Gratis bytte

Gratis bytte