Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Gratis bytte

Ruler Boa M Black

2 729 kr


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Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar
Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar
Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*
Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*
Gratis bytte
Gratis bytte

Take the leap from medium to advanced!

Ruler are the snowboard boots that have enabled the most number of riders to take a leap ahead with their snowboarding! These are the boots for those who want to move on to a stiffer snowboard boot without having to use the very hardest boots. With a medium flex tongue and BOA lacing system you get a snowboard boot that is a step up in terms of rigidity compared to the Moto boots and deliver similar performance as the top model Ion without having to pay Ion prices. You get a warm and comfortable liner with Burton's Imprint 2 liner technology with 3M Thinsulate lining and a cushioned B3 Gel in the sole that dampens landings, both big and small.

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Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar

Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Gratis bytte

Gratis bytte