Forlænget åbent køb indtil 8. januar

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Gratis bytte

Elbow Guards Pro Black


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Forlænget åbent køb indtil 8. januar
Forlænget åbent køb indtil 8. januar
Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*
Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*
Gratis bytte
Gratis bytte

Elbow protection from Sweet Protection!

Elbow Guards Pro are made with breathable and elastic materials combined with Level 1 protection. The perfect choice for tough mountain biking and Enduro.
These elbow protectors are part of Sweet Protection's latest collection of guards, where they have increased comfort through a softer viscoelastic material with optimised ventilation and the use of new perforated and highly ventilated materials. With MEd lighter material for optimal performance and improved hinged shape to save energy while keeping the guards in place.

Black Weeks - op til 60 % rabat.

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Forlænget åbent køb indtil 8. januar

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Gratis bytte

Gratis bytte