Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Gratis bytte

Marlin 8 29" Crimson

9 029 kr


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Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar
Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar
Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*
Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*
Gratis bytte
Gratis bytte

The bike for those who like mountain biking!

The Marlin 8 is a confidence-inspiring mountain bike with updated geometry that gives you more control on the trails without compromising on everyday features such as the attachment for a pack holder and a bike support. You can develop your skills for years to come thanks to 12-speed SRAM and an upgraded RockShox fork with air damping.

This is the right bike for you, if...
You want a bike that can grow along with you on the trails and that is versatile enough for everyday use such as cycling to school, work or the grocery store.

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Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar

Forlænget åbent køb indtil 6. januar

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Fri fragt over 1499 DKK*

Gratis bytte

Gratis bytte